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Pagerank Dengan Backlink Berkualitas

Written By bos blog on Rabu, 27 Juni 2012 | 07.18

Pagerank Dengan Backlink Berkualitas bisa kita lakukan dengan gratis tanpa biaya. Cara Cepat Menaikkan Pagerank ini sudah banyak dilakukan oleh para blogger2 yang sudah ahli. Gak usah susah2 komentar sana sini. Cukup ikuti panduan ini. Oiaa.. Belum tahu apa itu PageRank? baca dulu gih di om wikipedia

Pagerank Dengan Backlink Berkualitas
adalah dengan copy paste artikel ini dari atas sampai bawah. Tapi sebelum itu bacalah dulu pesan-pesan dibawah ini.

Silahkan pelajari dengan baik lalu anda terapkan dengan benar…. Ada kata bijak yang mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)", mari kita buktikan….apakah konsep kejujuran disini dapat kita gunakan untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang sangat hebat dari sebuah metode rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..? Saya percaya kita bisa asal metode ini anda terapkan dengan benar…apabila ini di aplikasikan pada web/blog anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
  • Blog anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa anda harus repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek melakukan promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia online.
  • Blog anda juga akan kebanjiran backlink secara signifikan hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Hal yang harus anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
  1. Buatlah postingan artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste artikel ini. Lalu beri Judul sesuka anda (karena itu merupakan SEO buat web/blog anda sendiri).
  2. Anda cukup hanya meletakkan Link-Link di bawah ini pada artikel anda tersebut pada blog/web anda.
    1. corner kick
    2. Leonardo Araujo
    3. Fish nutrition
    4. facebook lovers
    5. Fat Children
    6. Allergy symptom
    7. beautiful dream
    8. seo lovers
    9. sleep
    10. Your Problem

  1. Sebelum anda meletakkan Link-Link tersebut ditas ke dalam postingan web/blog anda, harap hapus Link nomor 1 , Sehingga link no 1 hilang dari daftar link dan setiap link anda naikkan 1 level ke atas. Yang tadinya no 2 naik menjadi no 1, yang tadinya no 3 menjadi no 2, yang tadinya no 4 menjadi no 3 dan begitu seterusnya. Setelah itu masukkan Link anda pada urutan Paling bawah ( no 15 ).
  2. Ingat!!! Jangan Merubah Urutan daftar link.. Buktikan kejujuran anda.. Karena ini demi keuntungan bersama, kita sesama blogger 
  3. Apabila setiap blogger yang ikut dalam metode ini berhasil di duplikasi ole hblogger lain yang akan bergabung, andaikan 5 blogger yang bergabung maka Backlink yang anda dapat adalah Ketika:
Posisi anda 15, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 14, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 13, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 12, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 11, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 3.125
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 15.625
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 78.125
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 390.625
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 1.953.125
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 9.765.625
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 48.828.125
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 244.140.625
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 1.220.703.125
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 6.103.515.625

Dan semua Dari kata kunci yang anda inginkan, bayangkan jika ini bisa berjalan dengan sempurna maka anda akan memperoleh 6.103.515.625 external link yang berasal dari berbagai blog yang anda tidak akan pernah bayangkan sebelumnya. Belum lagi apabila ada pengunjung blog anda dari Link List tersebut diatas maka otomatis anda akan memperoleh traffic ke web/blog anda juga. Ingat!!! Aturuan mainnya, Anda harus memulai dari urutan paling bawah (no 15) sehingga hasil backlink anda bisa Maksimal. Jangan salahkan saya apabila anda tidak mengikuti metode ini dengan benar dan Link anda tiba-tiba berada pada urutan no 1 dan menghilang pada Link daftar. Jadi mulai lah pada urutan paling bawah(no 15). Bisakah Anda melakukan tindakan tidak fair atau tidak jujur dengan menyabotase metode ini, misalkan saja "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan link web/blog anda sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan metode ini menjadi tidak maksimal. Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu… —- SELESAI —-
Semoga metode ini bisa berjalan sesuai harapan kita bersama. . . ! ! !
Mendapatkan Pagerank Tanpa Backlink mudah bukan? Beri tahu kepada kawan2 blogger yang lain agar pagerank anda naik, naik, dan terus naik
07.18 | 0 komentar | Read More

Memanfaatkan Hubungan Suatu Hubungan

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 27 Maret 2012 | 01.39

Memanfaatkan Hubungan Suatu Hubungan Saat jatuh cinta, seseorang hanya melihat kekasih sebagai seorang yang sempurna. Apalagi bila hubungan telah jauh melibatkan fisik. Namun kerap kali Anda tentu bertanya apakah dia benar-benar mencintai Anda?

Pakar cinta dan seks Dr Jane Greer mengatakan, jangan mudah tertipu pria yang hanya ingin memanfaatkan pasangan demi sebuah hubungan fisik semata.  Ada lima tanda-tanda untuk mengetahui apakah dia serius atau berpura-pura, seperti dikutip GalTime.

1. "Aku hanya ingin bersamamu"

Dari sini, muncul pertanyaan, "Kalau begitu, ada siapa lagi?", "Siapa lagi yang kau inginkan?" dan "Apa artinya itu?"

2. "Aku ingin kau melahirkan anak-anakku"

Menurut Greer, kata-kata ini terucap saat seseorang sedang bergairah. Dan, dia mengatakannya hanya sebagai cara untuk memperoleh keinginannya, bukan perasaan yang sebenarnya.

3. Dia tidak memperlihatkan rasa sayang

Saat Anda mencium atau memperlihatkan kasih sayang, dia tak pernah membalasnya. Tak jarang Anda menemukan, dia merasa khawatir kalian dilihat orang lain. Bila ada tanda-tanda demikian, sebaiknya pertimbangkan kembali hubungan ini.

4. Dia berjanji namun mengingkarinya

Jika dia selalu berjanji bahwa kalian akan kencan berdua atau Anda akan diajak bertemu keluarganya, tapi semua tak pernah terjadi. Ada alasan mengapa ia tak menepati janji: dia mungkin merasa belum menemukan pasangan yang cocok dengannya.

5. Dia selalu membicarakan masa depan yang tak pernah terjadi

Meski begitu, masa depan yang selalu dia umbar tak pernah terjadi. Greer mengingatkan, bila hal yang paling mencolok dalam hubungan kalian adalah seks semata, kemungkinan besar kekasih Anda hanya berpura-pura mencintai Anda demi memenuhi kebutuhan biologisnya saja.

Sebaiknya, mulailah memerhatikan gelagatnya sebelum dia menemukan seseorang yang dianggap lebih sesuai dan meninggalkan Anda. Atau, Anda telanjur membawanya ke dalam kehidupan Anda. Memanfaatkan Hubungan Suatu Hubungan
01.39 | 0 komentar | Read More

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

Written By bos blog on Jumat, 16 Maret 2012 | 05.33

Bagi anda yang suka berbelanja tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan minimarket yang satu ini. Sebagai Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart memberikan banyak inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo khusus untuk member-membernya baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan promosi Yang dilakukan Oleh Minimarket Lokal Terbesar dan Minimarket Pertama Terbaik Indonesia guna untuk menarik Simpati dan Perhatian lebih dari masyarakat untuk menjadi Member Alfamart dan khususnya pecinta Informasi internet dengan menyelenggarakan Promo Indonesia Kontes SEO Alfamart 2012.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan oleh Alfamart sebagai Minimarket pertama yang mempunyai member terbanyak di Indonesia. Ketika mendengar kata "promo" pasti semua orang tertarik, karena pada setiap kegiatan promo pasti akan ada diskon, hadiah atau sesuatu yang menguntungkan lainnya. Dan kabar gembiranya, Alfamart sebagai minimarket besar Indonesia sedang mengadakan penawaran yang menarik, yaitu Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan Alfamart untuk para calon member dan juga member Alfamart.

Minimarket Alfamart yang berdiri sejak tahun 1994 oleh PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk ini yang sekarang sudah memiliki banyak member dan merupakan member terbesar di Minimarket Indonesia. Pertumbuhan  Alfamart di Indonesia sangatlah pesat bak "jamur di musim hujan", terbukti dengan berdirinya cabang-cabang Alfamart yang tidak hanya di kota-kota besar tapi sampai ke pelosok-pelosok kecamatan di seluruh negeri Indonesia.

Alfamart Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart Memberikan Motivasi dan Inspirasi serta Inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo Indonesia khusus untuk Member Alfamart baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart Minimarket atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart Minimarket untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Member Alfamart Adalah sebutan untuk para pelanggan setia Alfamart.Para member Alfamart akan mendapatkan berbagai macam keuntungan dan kejutan special dari Alfamart seperti: HematKu, Kalender Belanja, Specialku dan Hadiahku,serta program ekslusif lainnya. Member Alfamart adalah pelanggan yang memiliki dan bergabung dalam keanggotaan Kartu AKU, A Card Flazz atau Kartu AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

KARTU AKU Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

    Kartu Aku

Adalah kartu member yang pertama kali diluncurkan Alfamart pada tahun 2005. Dengan Kartu AKU, Member akan dapat memperoleh manfaat dan berbagai macam keuntungan serta Promo Indonesia menarik yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan lain yang bukan merupakan member Kartu AKU. Kartu AKU berlaku Nasional di Alfamart seluruhIndonesia.

A CARD FINAL Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    A Card Flazz

Adalah Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 15 Mei 2010 bekerja sama dengan Flazz BCA, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran/transaksi karena A Card Flazz merupakan Kartu Prepaid (kartu non rekening yang dapat menyimpan uang untuk keperluan berbagai transaksi).

A Card Flazz dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran tidak hanya diseluruh outlet Alfamart, Alfamidi ataupun Alfaexpress tetapi juga diseluruh merchant Flazz antara lain restoran, salon, toko buku, parkir, bioskop dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk sementara ini, A Card Flazz berlaku di Jabodetabek,Surabaya

KARTU AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    Kartu Aku BNI

Merupakan salah satu Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 1 Januari 2010, merupakan kerjasama antara Alfamart dengan Bank BNI. Kartu AKU BNI merupakan kartu multifungsional, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member, juga berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran. Pengguna Kartu AKU BNI juga akan mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan kejutan spesial dari Alfamart serta tentunya dapat mengikuti program-program eksklusif khusus member di Alfamart. Untuk saat ini, Kartu AKU BNI berlaku di Alfamart Jabodetabek.
8 Keuntungan Member Alfamart

   1. Hematku dan Kalender Belanja
   2. Spesialku dan Hadiahku
   3. Special Big Program for "Member Alfamart"
   4. Redemption For "Member Alfamart"
   5. Member Alfamart" Thematic Promo
   6. Special Treatment for "Member Alfamart" Birthday
   7. Special Event/Activities For "Member Alfamart"
   8. Merchant For "Member Alfamart"


Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan pengetahuan Lebih kepada masyarakat agar dapat bergabung menjadi Member Alfamart dan pastikan anda mendapakan keuntungan dan manfaat lebih dari Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
05.33 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cinta Membuat hidup Sehat

Cinta Membuat hidup Sehat  Jatuh cinta kata kebanyakan orang berjuta rasanya. Bahkan sebuah penelitian mengungkap manfaat jatuh cinta dari segi kesehatan.

Seperti dikutip laman Idiva, emosi yang murni dan tulus bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh. Namun perlu diingat, manfaatnya hanya bisa dirasakan jika seseorang berada dalam suatu hubungan yang stabil dan nyaman.

Berikut manfaat kesehatan yang bisa Anda rasakan saat sedang jatuh cinta:

Lebih bahagia
"Berada dalam hubungan yang romantis memungkinkan tubuh Anda  melepaskan lebih banyak hormon bahagia. Hormon ini menimbulkan perasaan lebih bahagia. Anda juga mampu meredam amarah."

"Anda berada dalam suasana hati yang besar dan seluruh orang yang berada di dekat Anda akan merasakan aura positif," kata psikolog asal Mumbai, H'vovi Bhagwagar.

Meningkatkan Kekebalan
Jatuh cinta bisa meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh Anda. "Anda lebih tenang dan selalu berpikir positif. Hal ini mengurangi risiko terserang pilek dan batuk," kata H'vovi. Dan sebaliknya, merasa depresi atau sedih membuat Anda rentan terhadap serangan dari virus pilek dan flu. Hal ini juga berisiko menyebabkan masalah gangguan perut.

Mengurangi  sakit dan nyeri
"Berada dalam hubungan yang stabil, memberikan Anda kenyamanan. Perasaan ini membantu Anda mengatasi rasa sakit," kata dokter Dhwanika Kapadia. Saat sedang jatuh cinta, cenderung pasangan Anda selalu memberi motivasi untuk membantu Anda bisa keluar dari sakit yang Anda rasakan.

Meningkatkan konsentrasi
Pasangan yang penuh kasih dan selalu menunjukkan kepeduliannya memungkinkan Anda lebih bersemangat mengerjakan tugas-tugas saat berada di tempat kerja.

"Pikiran Anda tidak sibuk mengkhawatirkan keluarga atau bagaimana pasangan Anda merasa tentang Anda," kata H'vovi. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaan Anda dan dengan demikian meningkatkan kinerja Anda. "Ketika Anda puas, Anda merasa lebih baik, lebih kreatif juga," kata H'vovi.

Siklus haid lebih teratur
Siklus menstruasi wanita tergantung pada berbagai hal, seperti kesehatan dan gizi. Stres merupakan faktor penting juga. "Wanita dalam hubungan jangka panjang yang stabil cenderung tidak merasa tertekan. Oleh karena itu memiliki perasaan jatuh cinta juga bisa mempengaruhi gejala PMS wanita," kata H'vovi.

Terhindar dari stres
Wanita yang sudah menikah atau mereka yang telah memiliki kekasih, kemungkinan merasa cemas atau memiliki masalah sepele sangat sedikit. Mereka tahu bahwa mereka memiliki pasangan yang saling memahami satu sama lain dan merasa saling memiliki.

"Rasa memiliki menjadi sistem pendukung, membantu Anda menangani masalah dengan mudah," kata Dhwanika. Hal ini membuat stres berkurang dan risiko tekanan darah tinggi juga rendah, termasuk ketegangan dan migren.
03.11 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cara Melepas Stiker diMobil

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 06 Maret 2012 | 04.10

Cara Melepas Stiker diMobil Terkadang kita dibuat kesal oleh tangan-tangan jahil yang seenaknya menempelkan stiker pada kaca atau bodi mobil. Repotnya lagi, gambar tempel tersebut sulit dilepas dan meninggalkan bekas ketika dikeletek.

Yosep, punggawa H2O Bodywork di kawasan Muara Sari, Bandung, memberi tips cara mengelupasnya. Namun, sebelum itu, ia menjelaskan jenis stiker. "Sebenarnya ada dua jenis bahan stiker, yakni dari kertas (reflektif) dan vynil (non-reflektif). Nah, yang paling sulit dan butuh kesabaran adalah stiker kertas karena permukaan yang dilepas cenderung kecil-kecil dan kerap meninggalkan bekas," ujar Yosep.

Jika mengelupas stiker kertas di kaca, maka itu agak lebih mudah. Caranya, basahi sekitarnya menggunakan air sabun. Agar tidak cepat kering, ada baiknya dilakukan di tempat yang teduh. Setelah itu, gunakan silet atau cutter yang tajam untuk mengikisnya. Posisikan permukaan tajamnya menempel dengan kaca, bukan menyudut untuk menghindari baret. Bila sudah mengering, basahi kembali, begitu seterusnya.

Ingat! Teknik seperti ini tidak dibenarkan bila stiker menempel di bodi karena tentu akan menggores cat. Yosep menganjurkan penggunaan alat pemanas (heat gun) yang bentuk dan fungsinya seperti hair dryer. Boleh juga menggunakan pengering rambut, tetapi usahakan suhunya jangan terlalu panas karena bisa merusak cat.

Langkah pertama, hangatkan stiker hingga mudah diangkat. Yang sulit, menentukan panas ideal sehingga membuat Anda harus berulang kali mencoba melepas stiker pada beberapa kondisi suhu.

Cara lain, direkomendasikan menggunakan spray yang dapat dibeli di toko aksesori. Namun, langkah ini tidak lebih mudah dan membutuhkan kesabaran serta harus menyemprotkannya berulang ketika menyisakan lapisan kertas yang masih menempel.

Sementara itu, stiker non-reflektif tidak memerlukan alat bantu. Cukup menarik dengan perlahan, semua permukaan terangkat. Ketika meninggalkan sisa lem yang tidak terangkat, gunakanlah obat poles yang mengandung compound.
04.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Leather Waste Shrimp for Diabetes and Hypertension

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 21.34

Do not waste the waste of shrimp and crab. Extract the crust of the more popular substance with the name of chitosan is able to cope with high blood pressure, diabetes, liver, cancer, and organ disorders. Last chitosan is believed to be a food preservative, such as formalin.

Sri Haryati (65) have long suffered high blood pressure disorder. As told by a housewife who lives in the number of Block A, South Jakarta, last year, until her blood pressure above 200 mmHg, the lowest 140.

By a doctor who examined him, Sri recommended taking antihypertensive medication. In addition, he required a lot of rest and prohibited driving.

Tired of taking chemical drugs, alternative medicine into Sri choice. Fortunately, she met Harry Sines, acupuncturist and herbalist practicing in numbers Pluit, North Jakarta.

Sri advised to consume a substance extracted crust shrimp or crab, commonly called chitosan. A month later, her blood pressure dropped to 120/90 mmHg. Now, he admitted his blood pressure stabilized at 120/80 figures.

Another experience, Karyati (34) had had a weight of up to 70 kg with height 157 cm. Such conditions create a telecommunications company employee is less confident. Some acted therapy, ie, join a fitness club gymnastics and slimming tea.

His weight was down to 60 pounds, but his head so often dizziness and impaired balance. "If it is running, the body was floating. So also when you stand up after sitting, "he said.

The instigation of Dr. Setiawan, Ph.D., a herbalist doctor, Karyati chitosan capsules. After two months, his weight dropped to 50 kg.
Others, Hendra Mustofa (28) suffered from heartburn since in high school.

When in college, he often unconscious because of the unbearable pain of ulcers. Several treatments have acted, unfortunately no one has been fruitless.

On the advice of relatives, he consumes the potion chitosan. The result, he no longer suffer from heartburn. In fact, he had dared mengasup spicy foods, although only occasionally.

Hard leather
Chitosan was first discovered by French scientists, Ojier, in 1823. Ojier examined chitosan extract the animal's crust crustaceans, like shrimp, crabs, and insects.

Explained DR. Ir. Linawati Hardjito, Chair of the Department of Fisheries Technology (THP) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, chitosan is a derivative of chitin polymer, the waste products from industrial processing of fisheries, especially shrimp and small crab. Shrimp head waste reaches 35-50 percent of the total weight of shrimp.

Chitosan manufacturing process, according to Dr. Setiawan, first of all shrimp shell or crab washed with dilute alkali solution to remove proteins (deproteinisasi). Further material was washed with dilute hydrochloric acid solution to remove lime scale (demineralization). Deproteinisasi and demineralization process is over, what remains is a substance crust (crust).

"In substance there is an element butylosar crust that are beneficial to human body. Crust substances insoluble in acid or alkaline, and difficult to be absorbed by the human body, "he said.

To get butylosar elements intact, doctors practicing in the area Pluit, North Jakarta, this elaborate process. First, the crust of substances incorporated into the concentrated alkaline solution. Furthermore, heated in a temperature of 80-120 degrees Celsius to remove acetyl.

Butylosar which has been obtained it is only soluble in dilute acids and human body fluids. Thus, butylosar can be absorbed by the body.

Crust that has been released asetilnya a pure substance, high basanya nature, and contain many molecules of glucose. Substances that are the only edible cellulose.

Added DR. Linawati, this substance has a strong positive charge, and can bind to the negative charge of the other compounds. In addition, the substance is easily degraded by biological and non-toxic.

Formalin Substitute
Furthermore, Dr. Setiawan butylosar describe properties, which enhance the function of cancer cell killer. In an antitumor research, he said, has the power butylosar suppressor against the spread of tumor cells while stimulating the immune ability and to encourage the growth of spleen T cells from the pancreas.

"The danger lies in the possibility of transitional cancer. Butylosar in suppressing the ability of substances has been recognized by the transitional nature of biological scientists in various countries through different ways. In addition, the use of patients showed a fairly high success, "said Dr.. Setiawan.

Butylosar molecule has the ability to attach to cells in the inner surface of blood vessels. This condition prevents the tumor cells attach to the cell surface of blood vessels, means to prevent seepage into the area around the cancerous tissue.

Butylosar can also reduce the body's absorption of chlorine ions. These substances increase the functioning of blood vessel enlargement, which in turn lowers blood pressure.

Since 2004, according to DR. Linawati, Department of THP have test substance application crust on some salted fish products, such as jambal bread, anchovies, and squid. In various concentrations, chitosan dissolved in acetic acid, then that will be preserved salted fish is dipped several times and drained.

The result, at a concentration of 1.5 percent the use of chitosan can match the use of formalin which is a hazardous material. The indication, flies that fewer, better appearance than the control salted fish (without formalin and chitosan) and salted fish with formalin.

The use of chitosan as a preservative, did not change the color and aroma. Half-pitch, DR. Linawati compare economically the use of chitosan compared to formalin. For 100 kg of salted fish takes one liter of chitosan for Rp 12,000, Rp 16,000 while formalin.

Dr. Setiawan added, for the treatment, the recommended dose of 2 x 2 capsules per day taken with warm water. When taken with other products, give a distance of 1 hour because it is binding. He warned, chitosan is not recommended consumed by children
21.34 | 0 komentar | Read More

Rosella, expel strong as Captopril Hypertension

BY data from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Association, nearly one-third of Americans suffer from hypertension. Hypertension occurs as a small thin tube containing too much water pressure. If continuously pressed, the hose will leak and the hose could be going broke.

The same thing can occur in blood vessels. The pressure is so often or intense would endanger other organs such as kidneys, heart trouble so there is a stroke, blindness, and others.

To control hypertension, doctors usually recommend lifestyle changes, exercise, relaxation, avoid intake of salt-plus treatment. Furthermore, hibiscus tea could be an additional therapy.

It seems hibiscus or often we know as the hibiscus can lower blood pressure. same as the blood pressure-lowering drugs, also yellow-red flowers are said to be able to open blood vessels wider, lowering blood viscosity and increase the production of urine so that it can reduce blood volume.

Hibiscus tea made from Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers, sometimes called Rosella or Karkade. In a study published in Phytomedicine 2004, the patient drinks each day 10 grams of dried flowers are brewed.

The results show that this tea can control the types of mild to moderate hypertension as effectively as Captopril, a drug commonly used to treat hypertension and heart failure.

Hibiscus is also said to work faster. Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that after 12 days, 31 patients who consumed tea Hibiscus average blood pressure decreased to 11.2 percent for systolic pressure and 10.7 percent for diastolic pressure.

Normally, systolic pressure 120 and diastolic 80, mean hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure to normal conditions for approximately less than two weeks. How do people with hypertension should use this herb?

Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., RN and co-author of The Natural Medicine Chest (Evans & Co.., 2000) recommends the use of this herb to alert the doctor while using drugs or leave this medication, checking blood pressure every day.

"Ratio and risks of using herbs in this course, safer and better than medicine. Therefore, try to use it, "said Ellen.
21.32 | 0 komentar | Read More

Hypertension, Beware!

Hypertension or high blood pressure is now a common disease in the community. Quite often the sufferer does not realize it because the disease has no specific symptoms and come tibat unexpectedly. And if not handled properly, hypertension major risk to sufferers die from cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart or kidney failure.
The high rates of hypertension epidemiology in the world, has prompted numerous studies aimed to reduce morbidity and mortality from this disease. The study not only aimed at controlling blood pressure, but also to protect vital organs from damage caused by hypertension.
Including the results of studies ONTARGET (Ongoing telmisartan Alone and in combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial). These studies do clinical testing is random, double-blind who evaluated more than 25,260 patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. ONTARGET is not a hypertension study, because patients with blood pressure> 160/100 mm Hg is not included, but included patients with normal blood pressure and controlled.
Studies that have been evaluated by the Boehringer Ingelheim conducted in nine Asian countries, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Japan and Korea in 2001, has reported results on March 31, 2008. Proving, if telmisartan, an anti-hypertensive drug classes Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) modern. Which can provide protection equivalent to ramipril, which is the golden standard of treatment of hypertension. And telmisartan may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
dr. Ann Arieska Soenarta, SpJP (K), as Chairman of the Hypertension Society of Indonesia said that, if cardiovascular disease is a term for disorders that cause heart disease and blood vessels. Which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, chest pain (angina), temporary damage to vision, speech, sensation of movement (mini stroke or transient ischemic attack). Until morbidity or spastic arm and leg (caludication), and the disease causes death or disability in seconds.
"Every two seconds, one person died of cardiovascular disease," said dr. Ann-familiar call, while giving an explanation of the importance of ONTARGET study, at the Hotel Mulia, Jakarta.
The doctor who is also a cardiologist at the Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta said, if the primary cause of cardiovascular death and disability worldwide. Approximately 17.5 million people died of cardiovascular disease in 2005. Among the 17.5 million it recorded 7.6 million due to coronary heart disease and 5.7 million due to stroke. And hypertension is a risk factor for most causes of morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular disease.
Factors that can be controlled for cardiovascular: - High cholesterol levels in the blood - Hypertension - Diabetes mellitus - Obesity - Lifestyle inactivity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption
Factors that can not be controlled: - Age - Gender - Medical history on the family kardivaskular
21.30 | 0 komentar | Read More

Traditional Medicines for Hypertension, Is it safe?

DRINKING capsules of traditional medicine to treat hypertension is not necessarily safe. When the user without any consultation or supervision by a doctor, could be a health and your life will be threatened.

The problem is now a lot of traditional medicines on the market. Does the government monitor the use of traditional medicine there any regulations on traditional medicine and whether traditional medicine that has been circulated by the government recognized the benefits?


The questions raised in the rubric of Kompas Daily Health Consultant who cared for Dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi. The following question and answer more:

My 62-year-old patients with hypertension. I regularly take medicine hypertension for 10 years.

My two kinds of drugs, according to doctors to lower blood pressure and one of them keep the heart. I do not have a problem with the cost of treatment because of my insurance members. The insurance company pays medical expenses, including doctor's consultation, laboratory tests, and drugs should be used.

Blood pressure can be reduced to normal, systolic ranges between 120 and 130 and diastolic 80. According to doctors, I have to maintain blood pressure in order to avoid unwanted complications. As far as I can be a complication of hypertension, stroke and heart attack.

About six months ago my friends are affected. He also suffered from hypertension and healthy looking with using traditional medicine. I was told to take traditional medicine capsules containing garlic and a few other ingredients. Since it was getting tired of taking medication for high blood, I tried traditional medicine. I also reduce the consumption of salty foods and diligent swim.

I feel fresh and healthy, do not experience headaches or other symptoms of hypertension. After three months of taking traditional medicine, I control to the doctor. I was surprised because blood pressure has been 190/110.

Doctors could hardly believe it and repeat the examination of blood pressure many times. After I explained I stop taking hypertension drugs then he understood. Doctors stress the importance of taking regular medication and blood pressure checked regularly anyway. According to him, the symptoms of hypertension is very individual so I do not feel anything even though blood pressure was high. High blood pressure according to him it is very risky for my 62-year-old.

This experience taught me to be careful taking traditional medicine. Now I've returned to the hypertension drug and thankfully the blood pressure is back under control.

My question is, does the government control the use of traditional medicine because of what I experienced may also be experienced by other patients? Are there regulations on traditional medicine and whether traditional medicine that has been circulated by the government recognized the benefits? I look at the drug store a lot of cholesterol-lowering drugs, uric acid, and even cancer drugs and drugs are listed in the MOH. Thank you for your doctor's attention.


Your question is very important because it involves the interests of the people. Moreover, it turns out the month of May is World Hypertension Day so that we discuss very relevant to hypertension.

This time the World Hypertension Day themed recognize your blood pressure. That is, we are encouraged to find out if our blood pressure to normal or high. Lots of people do not know him real people with high blood. Not knowing would not be treated so that the long-term complications may occur in the form of heart disease, stroke, or kidney disorders. In addition, treatment consists of pharmacological treatment of hypertension and nonfarmakologi.

Nonfarmakologi treatment, among others, maintain weight, avoid excessive salt intake, reducing fat intake, and exercise. These efforts should be practiced in addition to pharmacological treatment of hypertension medications to control blood pressure and avoid the complications of hypertension.

Frequency of hypertension is quite high, in the state about 10 percent, even higher in some areas. At the global level, one in four adults suspected of suffering from hypertension.

Hypertension is a silent killer that caused casualties, the millions of people each year. Therefore, we need to care for hypertension and blood pressure us know.

For readers who have never measured the blood pressure is highly recommended examination. If blood pressure is normal, it is recommended regularly measuring blood pressure at least once a year. Meanwhile, if high blood pressure are encouraged to consult with your doctor to plan the control of hypertension.

Control is important because in case of complications, the cost of expensive therapies and even can be life-threatening complications. Complications that can arise is that stroke can be life-threatening or cause disability. While the cardiac complications in heart failure may be that the cost of treatment is also expensive. Dialysis may be required in renal insufficiency due to hypertension. Therefore, the expected early control of these complications can be avoided.

More than 90 percent of hypertension is essential hypertension, meaning the cause is unknown so the therapy of hypertension in this situation needs to be done continuously throughout life. Control of therapy need to be assessed clinically and blood pressure measurements regularly.

Actually, modern medicine is very tolerant of traditional treatment. Modern medicine recognizes, traditional treatments have kept the public health of hundreds of years until discovered antibiotic drugs, medication diabetes mellitus, hypertension medications, cholesterol drugs, cancer drugs, and others.

We know most of the new chemical drugs found at the beginning of the 20th century. With the availability of drugs that are based on research, we have now are in the era of evidence-based medicine (medical practice based on valid evidence).

Thus, traditional medicine should be used throughout the show tangible results. These results are usually studied through clinical trials. You have described the experience of using traditional medicines that are less useful in controlling hypertension. This experience should make you cautious and critical in using the drug.

Drugs circulating in Indonesia supervised the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM). The label is registered in the Ministry of Health on traditional medicine does not guarantee the drug has been tested clinically. In the use of traditional medicine was needed government oversight, but more importantly the people themselves must be critical and if necessary may request information to the authorities or family doctor.

Potential drugs in our country, whether traditional or modern, needs to be developed, but the use and marketing should consider the public interest.

I am glad you have uncontrolled hypertension, but you are also expected to be a health volunteer for the family. What about blood pressure wives, children, and if necessary your friends. Anjurkanlah their blood pressure checked. Thank you.
21.29 | 0 komentar | Read More

Anticancer and healthy heart

Behind the delicacy and delicious aroma of almonds, there are nutrients that nourish. Unsaturated fatty acids they contain, reduce the risk of heart problems, hypertension, and stroke. Fiber can prevent colon cancer. This food is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that are very useful for health. 

Society today is very much to avoid the consumption of fat because it connotes the onset of obesity and other degenerative diseases. Excessive fear of fat, resulting in some people being phobic of the nutrient. However, keep your body needs fat as an energy source and solvent various vitamins (A, D, E, and K).
Public knowledge about the fat should be increased so that we can distinguish between vegetable fat and animal fat. Unlike animal fats, vegetable fat little saturated fat levels, but high in unsaturated fats are actually good for health. Examples of food sources of fats are nuts and legumes.
Type of nut are popular today are almonds. Until now, ordinary people often refer to as the almond nut. Indeed almonds not peanuts (legume), but the seeds of the almond tree, so the more known as a nut tree.
Almond tree remains a family with peach trees, cherries, and apricots. Included in the group of nut is the almond, hazelnut, macadamia, pecans, and walnuts. While the peanut (groundnut) belonging to group peanuts.
Historically, the popularity of almonds not only rests on the delicious taste and unique flavornya, but also supported by scientific evidence about its benefits to public health.
Two Types Almonds are thought to have come from West Asia and North Africa. The Romans called the almonds as "Greek nut" since the Greeks first planted it. Today, the almond crop widely grown around the Mediterranean Sea, including Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Morocco. In the United States, many of almonds grown in California regions.
In general, almonds divided into two categories, namely sweet almond (Prunus amygdalu var. Dulcis) and bitter almond (Prunus amygdalu var. Amara). More sweet almonds consumed because it tastes good, while bitter almonds are raw material and scent of almond oil.
In the market, almonds sold in two main forms, namely raw and already roasted. Almonds are good are the seeds still intact, flavorful beans, and sweet taste. Almonds are rancid and smelly indicate poor quality.
Disposal of almond skin can be done by soaking the seeds in water a few minutes. Withholding or destruction of almonds can be done using dry blender. Roasting almonds at the household level can be done with a microwave oven at a temperature of about 71 - 77oC for 15-20 minutes. Should not use high heat so as not to damage the fat component is actually needed for health.
Today almonds are added to various food products in order to: (1) improve the taste, texture, and appeal, and (2) improve the nutritional composition, making it more healthful.
Products are usually added almonds are: hot and cold cereals, various snacks, frozen yogurt, muffins, salads, pancakes, bread, ice cream, sweet chocolate, and various types of beverages.
MUFA Almonds are very low in saturated fatty acids, but otherwise rich in unsaturated fatty acids (unsaturated fat), especially monounsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated fatty acids = MUFA), and supported by vitamins, minerals, fiber and adequate food. Such a fat composition is very good for the decline in cholesterol levels that will directly prevent atherosclerosis and all these negative impacts, such as heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.
Many studies have shown that MUFA which is the dominant fatty acids in almonds can lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol), but did not alter the position of HDL (good cholesterol) even though dietary fat consumption is quite high. Thus, the ratio of HDL to LDL remain high, thus lowering the risk of heart disease.
Consumption of almonds in a reasonable amount did not affect the weight gain, so it is good to be consumed by everyone, including overweight and obesity. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorder November 2003 issue, shows that a diet enriched with more almonds can help obese people to lose weight, rather than a diet low in calories and high in complex carbohydrates.
Consumption of one serving of almonds (20-25 seeds) will produce 15 grams of fat, more than 90 percent of an unsaturated fatty acid. Of the total unsaturated fatty acids contained in almonds, 70 percent of which is MUFA.
The American Heart Association recommends that the contribution of energy derived from fat no more than 30 percent, with details of the 10 percent comes from saturated fat, 10 percent monounsaturated fat (MUFA), and 10 percent polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). Research Dr. Paul Davis of the University of California-Davis, showed that the MUFA content of the almond is the potential to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Research Jenkins et al. (2002) showed that men and women who consumed 1 ounce or 28.35 grams of almonds (approximately one cell equivalent to 23 grains) every day for a month, can reduce LDL levels as much as 4 percent from the previous condition. A decrease of 9.4 percent would happen if the consumption was increased to two handfuls per day. Interestingly, consumption of almonds every day as much as it was able to maintain weight volunteers.
Sabate et al. (2003) had conducted research on humans using a three-level addition of almonds to the diet, that is 0 percent, 10 percent, and 20 percent of total energy consumption. Research results show that compared low-almond diet, the addition of almonds to a level 20 percent of total energy, can significantly lower total cholesterol, LDL, and LDL to HDL ratio. Compared to the previous condition, high-almond diets lead to lower total and LDL cholesterol respectively by 7 and 9 percent.
The results of the meta-analysis of seven clinical studies on the effects of almond consumption on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides showed that consumption of one ounce of almonds a day as a healthy diet can lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol respectively by 4 and 5 percent, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease
21.26 | 0 komentar | Read More
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